What we fear doing is most likely exactly what we need to do?

If you can define your fear then you have a good chance of overcoming it.  This is a good first step to setting yourself free.

Ask yourself these questions — write down your answers as you think of them…dont not edit or analyze your answers in your mind.   Just get them on paper.

1. What is it that I fear?

2. What is the worst possible outcome if I act on my fear?

3. What is the most probable outcome if I act on my fear?

4. What is the main benefit of overcoming this fear?

5. What is the cost of living with this fear…opportunity cost of doing nothing?

6. If you took the action you are about to take and it didnt work out, what could you do to repair the damage?

This simple exercise can show you that most things aren’t really that bad.

Unless you live in a third world country ruled by homecidal dictator, the action you fear is probably not life threating…so go ahead and do what you know you need to do!

Do it now.  An ounce of action is worth a pound of planning.


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